Majestic Theatre Hub

Heritage Redevelopment and Addition

The new Majestic Theatre Precinct focuses on enriching the Pomona community through new activities and intergenerational connections, creating a more cohesive town. Consisting of multiple enterprises, the precinct will house a new cafe, learning centre, workshop space and outdoor spaces, while also maintaining the heritage charm of the Majestic Theatre and continuing the tradition of silent movie screenings. The precinct has been designed as a space where a local or a visitor will be able to spend the majority of their day – experiencing a multitude of engaging experiences such as – iconic silent movie screenings, performances, workshops, art classes, storytelling sessions, guided tours or simply a cup of coffee with an old friend or a friendly stranger.

The precinct will act as an anchor point along Factory street, and be interconnected with the neighbouring Noosa Trails, Gubbi Gubbi Island of Reconciliation, Noosa Shire Museum and Stan Topper Park Precinct, which will unite to give locals and visitors an overview of Pomona’s rich history.

The interior of the original theatre space remains largely untouched, preserving the heritage aspects of the building. However, as part of the redevelopment it is opened to many more opportunities and uses – such as performing arts as well as films, with performances or screenings watched from either the interior hall or the outside deck, or both.

The redevelopment sees the addition of two new pavilions and linking decks. The key addition is the Learning Hub that would provide local youth, as well as older generations with access to technology and quality study spaces. Addressing the issues of tertiary education and access to technology, the Learning Hub will be a space that celebrates lifelong learning and the exchange of knowledge between individuals. The adjacent workshop space will engage with more hands-on activities such as painting or craft. Supporting locals with mental health issues, this space can be used to host art classes or a multitude of other activities. The deck linking the two pavilions also serves as an important space along the site, as it can be used to welcome mobile libraries or other traveling enterprises that will help spread local talent through surrounding regional areas.

The outdoor decking acts as a mediator between the old and the new. The storytelling space links back to the traditional owners of the space – the Gubbi Gubbi people – and is able to be used by small groups or by larger groups, inviting visitors to explore the nearby Island of Reconsiliation.

The revival of the cafe space on the south-west corner will entice passers by, welcoming them to explore the site. As they pass beside the theatre building they will be delighted with a glimpse at the historic Compton organ, and be welcomed with a lively atmosphere throughout the precinct.

The new additions follow the roof line of the original theatre, as to not overwhelm the low-rise street-scape. The Learning Hub Pavilion peaks out from the side of the theatre, revealing itself to passers by in an intriguing manner. All the new structures maintain a subtle shadow-gap between the old building, as a way of respecting the heritage. The materials used can be locally sourced and

  • Location

    Majestic Theatre, Pomona, Queensland, Australia

  • Date

    2021 - Y3 S1

  • Media Used

    Adobe Photoshop CC | Adobe InDesign CC | Adobe Illustrator CC | Morpholio Trace | Procreate | Physical Model

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